Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why Are Patient Portals More Important Than You Think?

Patient portals facilitate the exchange of information between patients and physician practices.  What was once considered a nice option for your EHR is becoming a necessity.  Unfortunately, not all patient portals offer the same features.  Failure to acquire an adequate patient portal could limit your EHR benefits and increase your costs.

What ACO Features Are Needed in an EHR?

Most EHR systems are based on strategies that predate accountable care organizations (ACO) and Certified EHR standards.  The key EHR requirements for ACOs are the ability to electronically exchange patient information, support provider collaboration, and monitor patient care.  The EHR focus to date has been on creating patient exam notes and specifically meeting the Evaluation and Management documentation standards.  In many cases, EHR products that have evolved to date do not adequately accommodate the operational or management needs of the ACO structure.